HOLITOPIA FESTIVAL FOR ARTS & FUTURES ++ 20-22 September, 2024 ++ HTW Campus Wilhelminenhof, Berlin ++

HOLITOPIA FESTIVAL FOR ARTS & FUTURES ++ 20-22 September, 2024 ++ HTW Campus Wilhelminenhof, Berlin ++

HOLITOPIA FESTIVAL FOR ARTS & FUTURES ++ 20-22 September, 2024 ++ HTW Campus Wilhelminenhof, Berlin ++

HOLITOPIA FESTIVAL FOR ARTS & FUTURES ++ 20-22 September, 2024 ++ HTW Campus Wilhelminenhof, Berlin ++



Urbanist, Futurologist

Ludwig Engel

Ludwig ENGEL is a Futurologist and Urbanist. He co-directs the Studio for Immediate Spaces at Sandberg Instituut (Amsterdam) and teaches at the Institut for Design and Architecture, ETH Zurich—Chair of Architecture and Design Art Brandlhuber. At the 17th International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, he joined the international team initiated by Arno Brandlhuber for the German Pavilion, to "tell a (hi)story that today we call the future". Panels include Holitopia 2023, re:future lab, Berlin (2023).

Sandberg Instituut—Studio for Immediate Space

In the media. Haus am Waldsee; 2038 – The New Serenity, Venice Biennale; 2038 – The New Serenity, Sorry Press