HOLITOPIA FESTIVAL FOR ARTS & FUTURES ++ 20-22 September, 2024 ++ HTW Campus Wilhelminenhof, Berlin ++

HOLITOPIA FESTIVAL FOR ARTS & FUTURES ++ 20-22 September, 2024 ++ HTW Campus Wilhelminenhof, Berlin ++

HOLITOPIA FESTIVAL FOR ARTS & FUTURES ++ 20-22 September, 2024 ++ HTW Campus Wilhelminenhof, Berlin ++

HOLITOPIA FESTIVAL FOR ARTS & FUTURES ++ 20-22 September, 2024 ++ HTW Campus Wilhelminenhof, Berlin ++


Creative Intelligence in Epochal Shift

Creative Intelligence in Epochal Shift

Creative Intelligence in Epochal Shift May 24, 2023 Live stream, 6 European Partner Universities

Creative Intelligence in Epochal Shift May 24, 2023 Live stream, 6 European Partner Universities

Shaken by polycrises, we find ourselves in the midst of a tremendous transformation process.

Is there any hope, how to build alternative pathways? In times of major flux, Madeleine Schwinge calls for the fusion of imaging and designing disciplines towards a contextualizing practice, which she calls "Creative Intelligence". This is the model for EMBARKING FUTURES® meta method.

The workshop reflects on art as social medium, the ripping open of verticals through artistic and systemic interventions and outlines core future drivers to navigate holistic change.

Facilitator. Madeleine Schwinge

Front photo. Sigurd Larsen, Dachkiez, Rooftop, Holzbau Hochbau Plattenbau Beton Architektur, Berlin © Venice Biennale

Photos in the text. Photo1 Dachkiez, Rooftop, Dachhaus architecture, Berlin © Sigurd Larsen; Photo 2 Dachkiez, Venice Biennale, Rooftop, Holzbau Hochbau, Berlin © Sigurd Larsen; Photo 3 Biologizing the Machine, Anicka Yi, 2019 © Renato Ghiazza

Location. HTW University of Applied Sciences—Master System Design, Berlin (Germany)