Listen to the Form & Funktion podcast and find out more about the ideas behind HOLITOPIA, a forum for co-designed futures. → Tune in!

Listen to the Form & Funktion podcast and find out more about the ideas behind HOLITOPIA, a forum for co-designed futures. → Tune in!

Listen to the Form & Funktion podcast and find out more about the ideas behind HOLITOPIA, a forum for co-designed futures. → Tune in!

Listen to the Form & Funktion podcast and find out more about the ideas behind HOLITOPIA, a forum for co-designed futures.

Tune in!

Fellow Experts

Fellow Experts

Discover state-of-the-art thinkers and practitioners from a wide range of disciplines and fields of mutation.

re:future lab Fellows share a certain kinship in their ability to detect future-relevant issues through their own strategies, approaches or the media they use. They are "vulnerable" agents of change, who strive to shape an unpredictable future while navigating the complexities of the present.Our Fellow Experts share a common ethic, critical thinking, perception and in-depth research to detect the fine topics of the future.

We have the resources and know-how to sense and create alternative futures through an integrated network of highly visionary individuals. At stake is collective intelligence and the ability to produce knowledge that is inventive, experimental, and free of outdated systems, models, and ideas.

Their scope of investigation includes: transformation, governance, risks, politics, democracy, sociotopes, ecologies, clean and renewable energy, new materials, new mobility, urbanism, habitat, regenerative systems, circular economy, zero carbon society, green-tech, biotechnology, neuroscience, AI, data intelligence, cognition, behavior patterns, resilience, utopias and politics.

Prof. Dr. Emanuele Quinz, Art & Design historian

Prof. Dr. Emanuele Quinz, Art & Design historian

“Art has a fundamental role, as a space for experimentation of the social.”

“Art has a fundamental role, as a space for experimentation of the social.”